Sunday, April 23, 2017

* All Better Baby *

When children are at play I have noticed they enjoy playing house. It could be in the kitchen, at school, the grocery store, the doctors, or any where else they may choose. This activity, All Better Baby, I chose to do with my class because they are all about their boo-boos.

What You Will Need

Baby Dolls, Doctor Tool Toys, Band Aides, and anything else you would like to put in the center that you think would go along with this dramatic play.

With this activity there is no set steps or directions. This activity is open-ended play which means there is no end result. The child makes the decisions on how their play at the Doctors office will go.


    This activity turned out very well. The children played Doctors  to the babies. They made sure all there boo-boos were fixed and healthy. The conversations I heard between the children were a bit shocking. They used language as if they remember going to the doctors themselves and some of the questions they asked and things they did. Needless to say the children stayed in the Doctors center for quite awhile. I'm sure if I wouldn't have told them its was almost lunch time they still would have been playing through lunch and nap time. There are so many way you can extend this activity. The children actually extended this activity on their own. Instead of making sure the babies got well, they switched it up a little bit and decided to be the patient while another was the Doctor. They were checking each others temperatures, listening to heartbeats, giving shots, and fixing boo-boos and putting band-aides on them. All Better Baby was definitely a success.

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